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When it comes to insuring your strata titled property, or any property for that matter, coming up with the correct figure can seem daunting. Many people think that the construction cost is the best figure to use when insuring a property but the construction cost will not provide an appropriate value as it does not include all of the costs you need to be insured for.

The Body Corporate and Community Management Regulations requires that a body corporate must be insured for full replacement value, which includes the above items such as removal of debris and consultants fees. The regulations also require that a valuation be carried out a minimum of every 5 years.

Regardless of the original construction cost, to ensure you are properly insured for an insurable event the estimate must include; escalation, demolition/removal of debris, re-design fees and local authority application fees. These are all significant costs over and above the construction cost.

Our qualified and experienced specialists pride themselves on offering
practicable and affordable solutions across a range of streams including

Fire Safety

Insurance Valuations

Work Health & Safety

Sinking Fund Forecasts

Tax Depreciation Schedules

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